With 2017 already well under way, we’ve decided to share some important tips about what to look out for in the world of finance for this year. Our list of top five things to watch in 2017 will be crucial to monitor if you are at all involved in the world of forex, so be sure keep an eye on them. Read more…
Why Businesses Are Using Banks Less For Their Forex Needs
According to the experts at foreignexchange.org, one of the most important things to consider when transferring Forex is whose services you will use. The two most popular choices are banks and specialist independent Forex brokers. Most South Africans are still using banks to meet their Forex needs but a new trend is emerging. Internationally, businesses and SMEs prefer to use specialist online brokers to transfer Forex online. Read more…
5 ways to overcome Forex challenges
In today’s world it is becoming increasingly important for businesses to be able to transfer, exchange and invest Forex at the drop of a hat. The foreign exchange market has quickly become of the largest and most profitable financial markets in the world. However, despite its positive impacts and its massive influence on the global market, transferring Forex is not always easy and is certainly not without its complications. Here is a list of the top 5 challenges that businesses face when it comes to Forex transfers and how to overcome them. Read more…